2023 COURAGE to WRITE Awardee Feature of the Week:
Lydia Kim, The Divers (Novel), San Francisco Bay Area, CA
The Divers explores the struggle of breaking painful cycles when misogyny, self-exile, and unacknowledged trauma create gulfs between generations, loved ones, and women and themselves.
“May my stories illuminate the ways people create wholeness from pieces.”
In her writing, Lydia is curious about inherited trauma, how things are handed down, the sacrifice it takes to break cycles, and why otherwise ‘good’ people deny painful realities or want revenge.
Once Lydia started thinking in terms of narrative, a distinct voice of a character came to her. She knew she had a seed of something, and once more characters came to her and the idea didn’t leave, she knew it was time to create something bigger.
Learn more about Lydia’s work HERE
Learn about our other 2023 COURAGE to WRITE Writer of Note Grant Awardees HERE