We Write on Walls (Memoir), Pittsburgh, PA
We Write on Walls is a memoir that grapples, through the lens of a six-year political incarceration journey in Egypt, with what it means to inhabit a space designed to erase you—and insist on being.
“I want this work to speak, in real-time, into the brutal archival silences carved out by tyrants. To invite the idea that revolution, like love, is a perpetual act of remembrance.”
Abdelrahman ElGendy is an Egyptian writer, activist, and translator. His writing engages with counter-narratives and historical erasure. ElGendy’s work appears in The Washington Post, Foreign Policy, Guernica, AGNI, Mizna, Truthout, Mada Masr, and elsewhere. He is a Dietrich fellow at the University of Pittsburgh’s Nonfiction Writing MFA, and a Heinz fellow at Pitt’s Global Studies Center. His work has received fellowships from Logan Nonfiction Program, Tin House Workshop, and Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. He is the winner of the 2024 Turow-Kinder Award in Fiction, and was a finalist for the 2021 and 2023 Margolis Award for Social Justice Journalism.
Visit Abdelrahman’s website: www.abdelrahmanelgendy.com
Find him on Instagram: @abdelrahman_elgendy95
Twitter: @El_Gendy_95