(memoir) Los Angeles, CA
Mine is an as-yet-untitled memoir using themes from the Tarot as a framework to explore the mystery of my father—both in how he was obscured by his addiction during life, and then through my search for his ghost after his sudden death in 2020.
Branden Boyer-White’s debut YA graphic novel Hollow, co-authored with Shannon Watters, is forthcoming from Boom! Studios in Fall 2022. Previously, her stories have appeared in places like Alaska Quarterly Review, Third Coast, Los Angeles Review, and others. Her work has been named a runner-up for the Miami Book Fair/de Groot Prize for a Novella, awarded a grant from the Money For Women/Barbara Deming Memorial Fund, and won Tulip Tree Review’s “Wild Women” Contest, and the Orlando Prize. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Arizona State University and lives in Los Angeles.