Catch Me When I Stumble (Narrative Non-fiction) Brooklyn, NY
Catch Me When I Stumble (narrative nonfiction) is a 15-year-long medical thriller filled with tales of hope and despair, of love and tenacity, of mystery and miracles, peopled with heroes and unwitting villains. My hope is to educate — and engage — parents how to avoid the missteps we made.
Helene M. Epstein is a published freelance writer and speaker. She’s a member of the American Society of Journalists & Authors and the Association of Health Care Journalists. She’s known for translating complex issues into easy-to-read articles so readers can apply what they learn to their own lives. Her column Dx IQ for nonprofit SIDM is a recent example. Since 2005, her published work has focused on families in crisis. Earlier articles covered a wide range of topics including advertising, beauty, parenting and policy. She currently serves on nonprofit boards, committees, and panels for organizations in the arts and medicine, including Pen Parentis and Brightpoint Care, and formerly for the Regional Arts Commission of St. Louis and the United Way. Her website: