Death Metal Yoga (poetry) Catonsville, MD
The poems in the collection, Death Metal Yoga, explore an anxious mind as it tries to manage the domestic responsibilities of marriage and parenting during a global pandemic. The poems address the fear of death, the impossibility of inner-peace, and a pervasive sense of doom, albeit with an ever-present sense of humor.
Jason Gordon earned an MFA from the University of Maryland, as well as a scholarship from the Bread Loaf Writers’ Conference. His work has appeared in The American Journal of Poetry, CutBank, Passages North, Poetry International, and Smartish Pace, among others. He has authored one full-length poetry collection, Many Appetites (Spuyten Duyvil), as well as two chapbooks, I Stole a Briefcase (Pudding House Publications) and Attack of the Nihilist (Ravenna Press). He lives in Catonsville, Maryland, teaching English and creative writing at a middle school for children with dyslexia.