Disarticulated Map (essays & poetry) McAllen, TX
Disarticulated Map is a poetry collection that draws on La Matanza, the widespread murder of Mexicans and Mexican Americans during the early 20th century in the southwest United States, as a focal point to explore violence and its ongoing effects on the built environment and the people who live in the borderlands between the United States and Mexico.
Rodney Gomez is a poet and urbanist whose writing explores the intersection of place, culture, and history in the South Texas borderlands. His poetry collections include Arsenal with Praise Song, recipient of the Helen C. Smith Memorial Award for best poetry book from the Texas Institute of Letters, and Geographic Tongue, winner of the Pleiades Press Visual Poetry Series. His work appears in Poetry, New England Review, The Gettysburg Review, Denver Quarterly, Rattle, North American Review, Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, and other journals. He was an Academy of American Poets Fellow and a Mellon Arts & Practitioner Fellow at Yale. A member of the Macondo Writers Workshop, Gomez was the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate of McAllen, Texas.