Girls! Girls! Girls! (Creative Nonfiction), West Haven, CT
In Girls! Girls! Girls!, a recent college graduate struggles to make it as an artist while working as a stripper in 1990s New York and San Francisco.
“This book gives space to women in an often misunderstood occupation—sex work—and presses readers to confront their own othering of marginalized women.”
Shelley Stoehr has published work in fiction, creative nonfiction, and poetry. Originally a renowned author of young adult books in the 1990s, Shelley published four novels in five languages with Penguin Random House (then Bantam Doubleday Dell), including Crosses, which was the first YA novel about self-injury and cutting. After a long hiatus, Shelley returned to school in 2016 to get her MFA from Southern Connecticut State University. Since then, Shelley’s short work has appeared in many literary journals and anthologies and has won awards from The North American Review, New Millenium Sunshots, Writer’s Digest, and WOW: Women on Writing. Shelley’s poetry chapbook, Glitterotica, is forthcoming from Dancing Girl Press.
Find Shelley on Twitter: @ShelleyStoehr