OFFICE (Nut) (Stage Play), Ely, Cambridgeshire, UK
A frantic psycho-dramatic magical-realist comedy, OFFICE (Nut) explores tumultuous internal relationships between men and their mental well-being through the eyes of three young corporate wannabes.
“I hope this play assists its audience in subsequent, cathartic, discussions about their mental struggles. Its light comical approach encourages less reverence and greater levity to an often weighted topic.”
Stanley Gordon is an abstract comic writer, hailing from the peat soil of the fens. His work often revolves around experimentation with form and structure, while trying to maintain the basic enjoyability of theatre. Comedy, folklore creatures and impossible, abstract spaces intertwine- baffling elements pulled together by an emotional string. During his time at University he was very lucky and was able to direct two comedic scripts. Last year, he was one of three winners of the ‘Perfect Strangers’ scriptwriting competition. His next project, OFFICE (Nut) is a deeply personal piece about male mental well-being and strained relationships.
Find Stanley on Instagram, @stan_g_