Teeth (novel) Brooklyn NY
Teeth is a family drama that evokes the upside-down, post-truth climate of Putin’s Russia, where it’s almost impossible to decipher fact from fabrication. With this novel, I’m aiming to investigate the crumbling of Russian society and the aggression which has run through its culture for centuries.
I’m a NYC-based writer and journalist. I hold an MFA in fiction from Brooklyn College, where I was a Truman Capote Fellow. I’ve published three novels in Russian, the most recent of which, “People and Birds,” came out in 2020 from Eksmo. My nonfiction has appeared in The Rumpus, Meduza, and elsewhere. My recent article on my personal experience of living under Putin’s regime and his hold over the Russian people appeared in The Independent (https://www.independent.co.uk/voices/russian-putin-kept-quiet-b2055689.html).