Meet Azra Liaqat Khan, a 2024 COURAGE to WRITE Grantee working on her memoir, Mona: The Memoir of a Muslim Stripper.
Mona: The Memoir of a Muslim Stripper recounts a professor’s years working in NYC gentlemen’s clubs at the time her family was trying to arrange her marriage.
“Mona is a humorous and analytic reflection about how race, class, and labor politics appear in our lives and how, against all odds, women of color wield a resilient will to reinvent themselves.”
Azra Liaqat Khan is a political science professor, author, and political organizer in Washington, DC. She has written widely about the politics of race, empire and feminism.
An exciting update from Azra: “Since submitting for the grant, I’ve signed with an agent and am working furiously on manuscript revisions.”