Meet Lisa DeAngelis, a 2024 COURAGE to WRITE grantee working on her historical fiction novel, Granny Panties.
Three 70-year-old women save a drowning man and live to regret it.
“I hope this historical novel will give voice to an underrepresented demographic, namely old women, and shine a light on a serious injustice wrought by eminent domain in the 1970s.”
An exciting update from Lisa: “Since I began this odyssey, I have continued to research and interview. I’m about 100 pages into my historical novel and anticipate it being completed in a year if the ghosts cooperate. So far, they have.”
Lisa DeAngelis’ first novel, ANGELS UNAWARE, was published by Regal House. She writes a weekly column for the Bucks County Herald, “It’s A Living,” about people with unusual livelihoods. She has also taught, English, Film, and Crocheting at a prison school for juvenile male sex offenders for 18 years.